Check our taxi rates according to schedules and dates. You can book your taxi online and pay for your service in advance so you do not waste a minute on your journey.
Taxis designed for people with reduced mobility, where you can get the advantages of a personalized service with advance booking and minimum waiting times when picking up.
High-end taxis with unbeatable equipment and absolute comfort for customers looking for a special journey.
Taxis designed to take groups of people, book your taxi for 7 people in advance and save on your way.
The subscribers to Radio TeleTaxi Alicante have different advantages with respect to other customers as the default route or the adjusted rates.
We also offer different special services to facilitate transport to users: courier, pharmacy, etc.
Do you have a company? Then you can take advantage of the advantages we offer for your taxi journeys. Save time and resources with our monthly billing without having to worry about paying for each journey. If you prefer, we also offer you payment through vouchers.
In addition, you can make reservations and arrange trips for your workers, thus obtaining an exclusive service of attention and transportation.